Its a sea of possibilities!

What We Do

What We Do

Caspian Capital: Its a Sea Of possibilities!

Caspian Capital is a leading real estate syndication company. We offer our investment partners the opportunity to leverage shares of multifamily rental properties into a passive monthly income. Our experienced investment team thoroughly evaluates properties to find assets that have vast potential but are currently devalued due to disengaged management. Once identified, we aggressively act on acquiring and improving the asset, with a proven property enhancement and management plan, resulting in exceptional returns for our investment partners.


Our Mission

Caspian Capital is dedicated to providing our investors with superior returns through investments in our hand-picked multifamily properties. It is our privilege to help our investors build wealth over time while providing transparency and exceptional service.

“When you invest in syndicated real estate with Caspian Capital, you share in the ownership benefits of the investment property without the hassle of managing tenants, paying insurances, arranging or performing upkeep or the many other responsibilities that accompany sole ownership. Our investments are primarily in multi-family and student housing properties.

Real estate syndication offers an opportunity for truly passive real estate investment – once you’ve invested your capital, Caspian Capital does the rest. Our investors earn a share of cash flow and a portion of profits from the eventual sale of the property, based on their initial investment.”

What We've Achieved

Investing in syndicated real estate with Caspian Capital offers many benefits, such as:

  • Predictable cash flow from rental income, profits, and the property’s eventual liquidation.

  • Tax benefits that take advantage of the property’s depreciation caused by lower demand, deflation, age of the property or other factors.

  • Protection from inflation – real estate typically increases with inflation, but cash does not.